Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Before You Say Goodnight - Spread 01

Back to children's illustrations this week and I've finally completed the first spread for the book I'm working on with author Richie Frieman, Before You Say Goodnight.
It was a challenging illustration to create as there are many levels of depth, many details and objects to put together without letting their textures mix with one another, choosing what colour everything is so it all come together beautifully and what the light source and brightness level of the room should be, given it's a very young children's book, so I didn't want to introduce heavy black shadows, but at the same time I wanted to make it feel like it's night time and have the lights and shadows be a bit dramatic.

I tried different versions out, and after showing Richie some samples too and getting feedback, this is the final result.

The text will fall on top of the white headboard of the bed.

I like working on a HUGE scale, it guarantees good quality for the illustrations and you can also print your work in large dimensions keeping the quality of the image if you so wish. The back draw is the computer's slow performance once the image has started becoming very complicated and heavy.


  1. Your style is so unique. I love it.

  2. Thank you all for your comments!
    Now that my computer has been repaired I should be posting new illustrations for the book and not only!
